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Natural Hair: Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural Hair

Natural Hair: You might be sitting down right now and thinking about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It is actually not an easy decision to take.

In Spite, some people might say life with hair does not suddenly become easier just because you have decided to go natural. However, there are many things you will have to take into consideration.

You will have to get used to caring for natural hair which is totally completely different from having relaxed hair. You will have to start getting use to a new change of look


What Does it Mean to Transition to Natural Hair?

natural hair

Transitioning to natural hair means that you want to let go of the creamy crack and embrace the hair that naturally grows directly out of your head.


Tips for Transitioning From Relaxed to Natural Hair

  • Keep Your Hair Hydrated: The biggest struggle with transitioning your hair is avoiding breakage due to damage and dryness. You will have to do what you do to keep your hair hydrated and conditioned by using a conditioner on a regular basis. It will help your hair replenish hair with moisture and nutrients that will strengthen the weka lines.
  • Use a Deep Conditioner Daily: Deep conditioning treatments take adding moisture to a new level. Though they are mainly only used once a month or so. Transitioning hair needs extra conditioning and can also handle the treatments more daily.
  • Remember to Trim: Steadily trimming your relaxed ends off is the main key to transitioning. You should trim as when you feel ready. Some people are not always ready to start trimming not until they see at least an inch or so of new growth. While some will like to wait for longer and others to start to trim immediately. Later you as time goes on, you may be trimming a larger amount of your relaxed hair off as your new growth comes in order to cover up the breakage.
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Other Tips to Consider

  • Find a Hairstyle that works: Hairstyles can become a bit difficult to come by as you have to work with 2 textures that do very different things. Natural hair likes to strand up unlike relaxed hair to lay flat. When you finally find a hairstyle that works, stick with it and become a master at it.
  • Consider Protective Hairstyles: Protective hairstyles are a great way to help you transition to natural hair. You can protect your hair by using braids, weaves, or even wigs. However, using a protective hairstyle will allow you to grow out your perm without the culture shock
  • Go Easy With It: Although natural hair can be quite difficult to comb out, you will need to be very careful with your hair and treat it with careful attention. If you learn how to be careful with natural hair.
  • Switch to Co-Washing: You might already be used to washing your hair with shampoo and then conditioner. When you have decided to grow natural hair, it is better to co-wash your hair rather than shampoo each time. The problem with shampoo is it strips away a lot of moisture and can also leave your hair feeling very dry even after you have used a conditioner.

How Long Will it Take?

There no actual hair transitioning timeline. It all depends on you and how you handle your hair. Meanwhile, you can decide t cut off your relaxed hair much earlier than expected if you feel you have enough length to manage with

Can you go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair?

Yes, that is what transitioning is about but no because at some point the relaxed hair has to come off. It is better to trim it off than wait for it to break in all kinds of weird ways.


You can decide to trim without having to cut your hair but do make sure you use proper haircutting scissors if you decide to do it yourself.

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